What is a challenger?
A challenger is a person who is appointed by a candidate, political party or proponent or opponent of a public question who observes the voting process and can challenge a voter’s right to vote.
Challengers Do’s and Dont’s
- Challengers are seated near the check-in table. Not behind. Close enough so they can hear the voter, but not so close they interfere.
- Challengers may NOT touch election materials or the machines.
- Challengers are entitled to hear the voter’s name and address.
- Challengers may only speak to the poll workers – not the voters.
- Challengers may question a voter’s legal authority to vote
- Not 18
- Does not live in the district the are voting in
- Not a US citizen
- Not a registered voter
- If a challenger wants to “challenge” someone’s right to vote, the process is outlined on the envelope with the challenger forms.
Click here for Contact Information.
The deadline to request challengers for an election day is 14 days prior to Election Day. Challenger forms may be mailed, emailed or faxed.
Early Voting Challenger Appointment Application for the 10th Congressional Special Elections
Application for the Appointment of Early Voting Challengers – 2024 General Election