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Cleaning & Prevention
General Prevention Guidance
Stay home Healthy or sick-need to stay home. You should only leave your home for essential tasks, such as work (if you cannot work from home), getting groceries and supplies, or essential medical care. Try to use delivery services when possible. When you must go out for essential tasks or solitary exercise, keep at least six feet of distance between yourself and others and wear a face covering.
Wash your hands With soap and water often, for at least 20 seconds every time or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Avoid Touching Your Face Unless you recently washed your hands.
Cover your nose and mouth With a tissue or sleeve when sneezing or coughing. Do not use your hands.
Do not shake hands Instead, wave.
If you are an older adult or have any of the chronic health conditions listed on this page, avoid all unnecessary gatherings and events
Avoid crowded spaces
Prevention & Sanitation
The Department is committed to robust sanitation protocols throughout the facility and transportation vehicles . Existing cleaning and sterilization policies to combat the potential spread of COVID-19 have been ramped up. The Department has confirmed that its current sanitation formula is effective against COVID-19 as per the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Preventative sanitation and cleaning protocols include:
- Cleaning and sanitizing all UCDOC housing units, day-rooms, and common spaces three (3) times per day
- Cleaning and sanitizing all contact surfaces and phones every few hours
- Cleaning and sanitizing shower areas three (3) times a day
- Cleaning and sanitizing all transport vehicles daily – Any transport van that is transporting a person who is symptomatic of a respiratory illness will be sanitized immediately after transporting that individual.
Hand soap and cleaning supplies – Supplies are offered free of charge to inmates under our care and replenished upon request, as needed. Supplies include disinfectant, general cleaner, and floor cleaner.
- Availability of soap: Every inmate under our care has access to their own bar of hand soap, and hand soap is allowed in an inmate’s individual cell. In addition, soap is placed in every bathroom at every sink. Most inmates in custody procure soap from the commissary, but bar soap is available for every person in custody if they need to replenish their supplies.
Additional Sanitation Training – UCDOC’s Environmental Health Unit is providing additional sanitation and sanitization training to all institutional aides and sanitation work details to enhance cleaning efforts and keep workers healthy.
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) – All staff, inmates, and personnel entering the facility are required to wear a facecloth/mask as recommended by the CDC. The Department has issued masks to all staff, inmates, and personnel. The distribution of new masks are giving out on a rotating basis, and any wear and tear of such PPE is reported immediately.
Regular Inspections and Timely Remediation – As a quality assurance measure, UCDOC has implemented a process for regularly inspecting housing areas to ensure cleaning and sanitation supplies are available as necessary. This includes:
- Daily inspections three times per tour by Housing Area Supervisors to ensure the availability of soap and cleaning supplies, and that sinks are in working order.
- Daily audits of the availability of these items in housing areas and high-trafficked areas (e.g., intakes) performed by UCDOC’s Command staff, who advise on any remediation needed.
- UCDOC is also continuing its practice of tracking any complaints submitted around any sanitation issues, including the availability of soap, cleaning supplies, working sinks, and instituting remediation measure as necessary