
Public Scoping Hearing Notice

TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Springfield and the County of Union have contacted the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Green Acres Program, proposing to authorize the diversion of 0.027 acres of Rahway River Parkway, located on Block 1501, Lot 1, in the Township of Springfield, County of Union, in connection with a 2010 realignment of an existing Township sanitary sewer line located within the Park. As compensation for the proposed diversion, the County proposes to encumber with Green Acres restrictions the entirety of Block 908, Lot 1 (Washington Avenue.)

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:36-26.8(a) a scoping hearing to obtain public comment on this request will be held at:

Township of Springfield Municipal Building Council Chambers,
100 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, New Jersey on March 10, 2015 at 6 PM.

All interested parties are invited to attend and participate in the scoping hearing. Written comments on the diversion and disposal request may be directed to Arthur Elias, Township Engineer (973)-912-2219, Township of Springfield, Annex Building, 20 North Trivett Avenue, Springfield, New Jersey 07081 or to Union Assistant County Counsel, Kevin Campbell, Esq. (908)-527-4250, 10 Elizabethtown Plaza, Elizabeth, NJ 07207. Please send a copy of any comments submitted on this request to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Green Acres Program, Bureau of Legal Services and Stewardship, Mail Code 501-01, 501 East State St., P.O. Box 420, Trenton, NJ 08625-0420.

Public comment on this diversion request will be accepted during the scoping hearing or until March 25, 2015.