
Mosquito Control Spraying Tonight

Union County Mosquito Control will be spraying for adult mosquitos tonight between 7:30pm and 11:30pm. The spraying will be prognosticated by the weather conditions; rain and high winds will cancel the operation. The areas to be sprayed are as follows:

  • Clark– Featherbed La., Emerald Pl., Emerson Rd., Sweet Briar Dr., Stonehenge Terr., HallDr., Meadow Rd., Evans Terr., Tanglewood Turn., Halareb Dr., Parkway Dr., Whittier Rd.
  • Cranford-Crane Pkwy., Hillside Ave. Myrtle Pl. 
  • Elizabeth– Clarkson Ave./ Elizabeth River area, Niles St., Spencer St. and area                   
  • Hillside– Army Corp of Engineer Dike-Harvard Ave., Cornell Pl., John St., Westminster area, S. State St., Mun Ave.
  • Kenilworth– Oakwood Ave., Maple Ave., Dorsett Dr., Water Co. Rd., Ashwood Ave., Commonwealth Rd., Shady La.
  • Linden– Tremley Pt., Bradford Ave., Marion Ave., Lexington Ave., Miner Terr., Munsell Ave.W. Stimpson Ave.
  • Plainfield– Reeves Terr., Wiley Ave., St. Nicholas Blvd., E. 3rd St., Cushing Rd., Knollwood Ct., Whitewood Ct.
  • Rahway– Minna St.,  Central Ave., Church St., New Church St.  Hamilton St. Seminary St., River Rd, El. Ave, Donald Ave., Price St. Whittier St., Allen St., Elizabeth Ave., Scott Ave.
  • Roselle–  West Brook Woods Condos, Roselle G.C. area, Pine St., Oakley St., 200 Block area of 1st Ave., Franklin Terr.
  • Roselle Park–  Woodside Garden Apts. and RR tracks , Beachwood Ave.
  • Springfield– Marion Ave., Diven St., Smithfield Dr., Evergreen Ave.,Layang Terr., Kemp Dr., New Brook La., Ruby St., Stiles St., Benjamin Dr., Hillside Ave., Meckes St., Irwin St.
  • Scotch Plains– Church Ave., Gary Ct., Victor St., Portland Ave., Highview Ct., Algonquin Dr., Robert La., Warren St.
  • Union–  Rahway Ave, Brighton St., Gifford Ct. /Akzo-Nobel property, Savitt Pl. , Faiway Dr., Kawameeh Dr., Burkley Pl.
  • Westfield– Cacciola Pl., Windsor Pl., Myrtle Ave., Livingston St.
  • Winfield-Union Cty. Pkwy.
  • County Parks
    • Clark-Oak Ridge
    • Elizabeth-Mattano
    • Hillside-Conant                            
    • Plainfield– Milt Campbell
    • Rahway-Rahway
  • Municipal Parks
    • Clark-Curry Pk.
    • Linden-Memorial Pk./Lexington Ave Pk.
    • Westfield- Mindowskin Pk.