Union County Mosquito Control will be spraying for Adult Mosquitoes tonight, Thursday August 25,2016 between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. (weather permitting). Please check below to see if your Town is on the list. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Mosquito Control at 908-654-9873
Berkeley Heights – Camptown Rd., Kuntz Av., Mt. Carmel Area, D.P.W. Yard, Bolton Blvd, Little Flower
Clark – Riverside Dr., King St., Bartell Pl., Emerald Pl. Area
Cranford – Carpenter Pl., Osborn Pl. Area, Hamilton Av. Area, Eastman St., Holly St. Hillside Av. Crane Pkwy Area
Elizabeth – Clarkson Av. Area, 4th St. Franklin St. Area, Monmouth Rd., Princeton Rd., Morristown Rd. Area
Fanwood – Fanwood Pl., Russell Rd. Area
Garwood – Liberty Ct. Area
Hillside – Westminster Area, Harvard Av., Cornell Pl. Area, Hillside Av. Community Center
Kenilworth – Richfield Av., Dorset Dr. Area, Water Co. Road
Linden – Tremley Pt. Area, Mc Candless Pl. Area
Mountainside – Mountain Av. From Rt. 22 to Woodland Av.
New Providence – D.P.W. yard, Commonwealth Av., Charmwood Rd. Area
Plainfield – Reeves Ter., Wiley Av., 3rd St., Johnston Av., St. Nicholas Blvd., Cushing Rd., Knollwood Rd., Prospect Av. Area
Rahway – Leesville Av., Capobianco Plaza Area, Mill St., Main St.
Roselle – Dietz St. Area, Birch Dr., Kennedy Dr., Audrey Ter. Area
Roselle Park. – Walking Trail between Galloping Hill Rd. and Chestnut St., E. Colfax Av., Myrtle Av., Willow Av. Area
Scotch Plains – Brandywine Ct., Clinton La., Tempe Ct., Clover La., Shackamaxon Dr., Dogwood Dr., Arrow wood Dr., Newark Av. Area, Green Hickory Hill
Springfield – Brown Av. Area, Commerce Dr., Bernadette Ct. Area
Summit – Summit Recycling Center
Union – Woolley Av., Hobart St., Jeanette Av. Area, Rahway Av. Area, Brighton St., Gifford Ct.
Westfield – Park Dr., N. Euclid Av, Mountain Av
Winfield – Union County Pkwy.
Town Parks
Linden Memorial, 8th Ward
Westfield Tamaques, Mindowaskin, DiMario
Kenilworth Biertuempfel, Rabkin
Union, PAL Field
County Parks
Cedar Brook
Stables in the Watchung Reservation