
Mosquito Control Spraying Tonight, Thursday, August 31st

Please be advised, Union County Mosquito Control will be spraying for Adult Mosquitoes tonight, Thursday August 31, 2017 between the hours of 7:00 P.M. and 12:00 A.M. (Weather Permitting). Check below and see if your Town is on the list. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Bureau of Mosquito Control at 908-654-9873


Berkeley Heights – Mt. Carmel Area, Riverside Dr.

Cranford – South Union Ave., Retford Ave.., Livingston Ave., Birchwood Ave., Cranford Ave.

Elizabeth – Clarkson Av. Area

Garwood –2nd Av., Myrtle Av., Liberty Ct., 4th Ave., Center St., Hickory Ave., South Ave.

Hillside –Harvard Av., Cornell Pl. Area

Kenilworth – 14th St., Dorset Dr. Area, Water Co. Rd., Monroe St.

Linden – Tremley Pt. Area, Emma Pl., Clinton St., Berlant Av., Bradford Av., Lexington Av., Marion Av., Miner Ter.

Mountainside – Mountain Av.,Pool Area, Laurel Ct., Summit La.

Plainfield –Stelle Ave., Front St., Columbia Av., Reeves Ter., Wiley Av., 3rd St., Madison Av. Area, Kenyon Av.

Rahway –  Randolph Av., Leesville Av. , Martin St. Area, , Donald Av. Area, Whittier St. River Rd. , Church St.

Roselle– Raritan Rd. (Smith Woods Condo’s), Chestnut St. Columbus Av. Pine St., Spruce St., 7th Ave.

Roselle Park – Webster Ave., E. Grant Av. (100 Block Area), Beechwood Ave.,  Laurel Av., Walking Path between Galloping Hill Rd. and Chestnut St.

Scotch Plains – Frank St. Clinton La., Tempe Ct., Clover La.

Springfield– Morrison Rd., ColfaxRd., Clinton Ave., Evergreen Ave., Leslie Ct., Bernedette Ct. Oakland Ave., Crescent Rd.

Union – Allen Ave. area, Livingston Ave.,  Whitewood Rd., Quaker Way, Plymouth Rd.

Winfield – Union County Pkwy.

Municipal Parks

Kenilworth  – Black Brook

Linden   Lexington, Memorial

Union – Rabkin , Kearse, Biertempfel

Westfield – Mandowaskin

County Parks

Milt Campbell






Echo Lake

Cedar Brook

Green Broo


Union County Pky.

Winfield Pk.