
Spraying for Mosquitoes – Tonight, Thursday June 14th

Please be advised, Union County Mosquito Control will be spraying for Adult Mosquitoes tonight, Thursday June 14, 2018  between the hours of 7:00 P.M. and 12:00 A.M. (Weather Permitting).

Check below and see if your Town is on the list. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Bureau of Mosquito Control at 908-654-9873.


Berkeley Heights – Shadow La., Garfield St., Grant St., River Rd. (Mt Carmel area), Mead St., Locust Ave.(pool area), Marion Ave., Delmore Ave., Maple Ave.

Clark – Raritan Rd. (at construction site), Rainbow Dr., Madison Hill Rd at Robinson Museum, Frances Dr., Featherbed La., Colonial Dr., King St., Bartell Pl., Sycamore Rd.

Cranford –   Arbor St., Locust St., Redford Ave., Stoughton St., Woodside Ave.

Elizabeth – Acme St., Clarkson Av. Area, Summer St., Peterstown area, Union Ave., 5th Ave.

Garwood –  Myrtle  Ave., Spruce Ave., Liberty Ct.

Fanwood– DPW yard

Hillside –Harvard Av., Cornell Pl., Rutgers Ave. Area, Wilder St., Westminster Ave.

Kenilworth –  Dorsette Dr., N. 12th St.

Linden – Union County Fire Academy, Tremley Pt. Area, Range Rd. area, Marion Ave., Lexington Ave., Bradford Ave., Miner Terrace, Berlant Ave.

Mountainside– W. R. Tracy Dr.(loop area), Summit La., Saddle Brook Rd., Sylvan La.

Plainfield –  Madison Ave., Rock Ave., Abbond Ct.

Rahway – Leesville Ave., Allen St., Midwood dr.

Roselle– Raritan Rd. (Smith Woods Condo’s), Columbus Av. Pine St., E. 10th St.,Oakley Ave., Dermody St., Dietz St., Locust St.

Roselle Park –Laurel Av., Beechwood Ave., E. Webster Ave.

Scotch Plains-Frank St., Cooper Rd., Pheasant La., Lamberts Mill Rd., Elizabeth Ave., South Ave .(County DPW yard)

Springfield– Stone Hill Rd. (Summit Hill Apts.), Cottage La., Bernadette Ct., Brown Ave, Laynge Terr.

Summit– Stanley Ave., Kent Blvd., Summit Recycle center

Union – Livingston Ave., Whitewood Rd., Plymouth Rd., Hawthorne Ave.

Westfield– Rising Way, Hamilton Ave., Prospect St., Overhill Rd., Mountain Ave.,

Winfield – County Park Dr.

Municipal Parks

Plainfield : Milt Campbell

Westfield: Brightwood, Mindowskin,Tamaques

Clark: Bartell

Union: Rapkin, Biertuempful.

Linden: Memorial

County Parks





Echo Lake




Cedar Brook

Oak Ridge
