Public Info

Take the “Small Steps” Challenge to Save Money and Improve Health Free online program from the Rutgers Cooperative Extension helps with household budgeting and nutrition

Union County, NJ – The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders invites all Union County residents to join the “Small Steps to Health and Wealth Winter 2011 Challenge.” This free six-week online learning program, developed by the Rutgers Cooperative Extension, helps to reduce household expenses, increase savings, and promote healthy eating habits.

The Small Steps Challenge starts on Sunday, January 16, and prizes will be awarded for participants with the most points.

“The Small Steps challenge provides Union County residents with a fun, positive way to discover new tips and tricks for saving money and improving health,” said incoming Freeholder Chairman Deborah P. Scanlon. “This is a great way to start off the New Year on the right foot.”

The goal of the Small Steps challenge is to improve personal health and get control of household finances by following simple daily guidelines.

Participants get to track their own progress in meeting the guidelines. According to Rutgers experts, studies have shown that when people monitor their behavior and measure their how they are doing, they are often inspired to do better and achieve positive results.

To sign up for the “Winter 2011 SSHW Challenge,” click the “SSHW Online Challenge” link IN the Small Steps to Health and Wealth Web site at, set up a user name and password, and download a simple one-page user’s guide.

The guidelines cover simple actions that are proven to work, like saving pocket change, eating home-made lunches instead of ordering out, walking more, and avoiding sugary beverages.

Participants will be able to contribute an action of their own invention to the challenge, and they will be able to track their progress against the average among all other participants.

The Rutgers Cooperative Extension is supported in part by the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders. For more information about the Challenge and all Union County Extension community programs, including volunteer opportunities and 4-H Youth Development, call the Extension offices at 908-654-9854.


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