Union County, NJ – The Union County Means Business networking breakfast series will hold its first session next week with more than 160 local business representatives in attendance, along with State Senator Raymond J. Lesniak (D-20) and State Senator Thomas Kean (D-21), and officials from local and state agencies and business organizations.
The series, an initiative of Union County Freeholder Alexander Mirabella, is designed to bring local business owners, prospective owners and managers in contact with information about grants, loans, social media, employee recruitment, and other resources.
“We are very gratified by the enthusiasm with which the business community has responded to Union County Means Business, and with Senator Lesniak and Senator Kean we hope to underscore just how committed we are to making this a very productive and successful series,” said Freeholder Chairman Alexander Mirabella.
The kickoff session features Caren S. Franzini, CEO of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority. It will be held on Wednesday, February 1, 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. at the Kean University STEM Building, 1000 Morris Avenue in Union Township.
All sessions are free but pre-registration is required by visiting the Union County website athttps://ucnj.org/UCMeansBusiness or call 908-527-4200.
The Union County Means Business partnership also includes the Union County Alliance, Union County Economic Development Corporation, Greater Elizabeth Chamber of Commerce, Suburban Chambers of Commerce, Union Township Chamber of Commerce, Kean University, and Union County College.
For more information on any Union County press release, please contact Sebastian D’Elia, Communications Director for the County of Union, or a designee listed at the top of this press release. Please join the County of Union online at www.ucnj.org, on Facebook at www.ucnj.org/facebook, and on Twitter athttp://twitter.com/countyofunionnj.