Union County Freeholders Vernell Wright (L) and Bette Jane Kowalski (2nd L) join (from 3rd L) Walter Kreher from U.S. Housing and Urban Development, Rahway Mayor Rick Proctor, Dr. Phillip Frese, President of the Domus Corporation, Msgr. Christopher Hynes from the Archdiocese of Newark and Rahway Councilman David Brown in breaking ground for the Melvin & Margaret Myers Senior Residence facility located on Esterbrook Avenue in Rahway. The new facility is a HUD 202 project of Domus Housing Corp. and will be a contemporary four story senior residence that will offer affordable and brand new apartment living open to local qualified individuals. The County of Union provided partial funding for the project through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program and the Home Investment Partnerships Program. (Photo by Jim Lowney/County of Union)
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