Union County – Union County schools can celebrate Arbor Day with a free ornamental pear tree from the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Available on April 17th and 18th following a training seminar from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Williams Nursery on Springfield Ave in Westfield, the white flowering trees can be used by schools to beautify their grounds and provide shade.
“We hope that the schools will involve students and parents in planting the trees on their grounds,” said Freeholder Chairman Alexander Mirabella, “It’s a great way for people to learn how important they are to our environment.”
Training for students and accompanying adults will be provided by members of the Union County Shade Tree Advisory Board. Participants will learn how to effectively plant and care for the 5-6 foot tall trees. Schools may attend on either day and students in 3rd grade and older are welcome.
The pear trees are donated by the Union County Freeholder Board through Williams Nursery, while training sessions are sponsored by the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Union County with support from the Shade Tree Advisory Board.
Trees will be given on a first come first served basis while supplies last. To register, or to receive a tree without attending the training session, please contact Barbara Knapp at 908-789-3653 or via email atbknapp@ucnj.org.
For additional information, contact Rutgers Extension agent James Nichandowicz at 908-654-9854 or by email at Nichandowicz@aesop.rutgers.edu.
In addition to Arbor Day donations, Union County supports local tree planting efforts through the Greening Union County grant program, which provides matching funds for municipal trees.
For more information on any Union County press release, please contact Sebastian D’Elia, Communications Director for the County of Union, or a designee listed at the top of this press release. Please join the County of Union online at www.ucnj.org, on Facebook at www.ucnj.org/facebook, and on Twitter athttp://twitter.com/countyofunionnj.
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