Public Info

Dedication of The Apartments at Saint Elizabeth’s in Linden

Union County Freeholder Christopher Hudak (3rd R) and Union County Manager Alfred Faella (R) joined (from left) Charles Newman, President of New Jersey Connect, Linden Mayor Richard Gerbounka, Dr. Phillip Frese, President of the Domus Corporation, Walter Kreher from U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Bishop Manuel A. Cruz and Msgr. Christopher Hynes from the Archdiocese of Newark and Domus Vice President John Westervelt at the dedication ceremony of The Apartments at Saint Elizabeth’s in Linden.

Eleven units of affordable housing for persons with physical disabilities were created at the former Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Convent at 176 Hussa Street thanks to awards from HUD, a grant from the Kessler Foundation and partial funding from the County of Union.

The Domus Corporation and NJ Connect are non-profit organizations partnered to rehabilitate the former convent. The Union County Department of Human Services, Office for the Disabled worked with the two groups to assist in planning the project. (Photo by Jim Lowney/County of Union)


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