Public Info

Runnells Volunteers Honored for 5 Years of Service

Union County Freeholder Vernell Wright (R) congratulates Patricia Cullen (L) of New Providence and Mary Ann Sodano of Madison on being honored for their 5 years of volunteer service at the 49th Annual Volunteer Awards Luncheon for Runnells Specialized Hospital volunteers. Dozens of other volunteers were also honored at the luncheon on May 9 in Mountainside.  (Photo by Jim Lowney/County of Union)



Union County Freeholder Vernell Wright congratulates Chet Hospattankar of Scotch Plains on being honored for his 5 years of volunteer service at the 49th Annual Volunteer Awards Luncheon for Runnells Specialized Hospital volunteers. Dozens of other volunteers were also honored at the luncheon on May 9 in Mountainside.  (Photo by Jim Lowney/County of Union)


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