Union County, NJ –The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders recently announced the launch of a new prescription drug discount program designed to help reduce prescription drug costs. The program, run in conjunction with ProAct- a subsidiary of Kinney Drugs, operates through the use of a discount card that will be mailed to Union County households later this week.
“This is a great program that the Freeholder Board is happy to support,” said Freeholder Chairman Linda Carter, “ In these trying economic times we recognize that any type of financial savings are beneficial to our residents.”
The discount program may help reduce prescription drug costs for residents who do not have a prescription drug plan and for residents who take prescription medicine that is not covered by their current insurance. For senior citizens, the program can help defray costs related to the Medicare prescription coverage gap in which Medicare recipients are required to pay 100 percent of their prescription drug costs.
There are no enrollment forms to fill out, no membership fees, and no age or income requirements. There is no cost to Union County or participating residents. The cards are completely anonymous and one card can be used by an entire family.
Participants simply present the card when they are filling a prescription and they will automatically receive savings. The discount program covers all prescription medications, brand or generic. The program even covers prescription pet medications that can be filled at a regular retail pharmacy.
On average, participants can expect to save 10 to 20 percent on brand drugs and 20 to 70 percent on generic drugs. The prescription discount card can be used at any participating pharmacy in Union County and at over 55,000 pharmacies nationwide.
The cards cannot be used in conjunction with any other type of insurance, to reduce co-pays or with other discount programs.
For more information on the program or where to obtain additional cards, please contact Union County’s Department of Human Services at 908-527-4808.
ProAct is a subsidiary of Kinney Drugs, a healthcare company headquartered in Gouverneur, N.Y. The ProAct discounts are made possible through negotiated rates with participating locations. For a list of participating pharmacies, contact ProAct at 877-776-2285 or visit www.NJRxDiscountCard.com.
Cards are being mailed to all households in Union County. Additional cards are available at County offices and by clicking here.