Public Info

Union County Continues Info Sessions on Global Logistics Associate Certification this Wednesday, August 28th

Union County – The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders, in connection with Union County College, will continue its series of information session on free job training, offered through the Union County Choices program this Wednesday, August 28th from 2:00-3:00 p.m. and 5:00-6:00 p.m., at Union County College’s Elizabeth Campus, located at 40 West Jersey St.

Both sessions will focus on the Global Logistics Associate (GLA) Certification, a program that trains participants in the basics of logistics/supply chain and the associated functions necessary for the delivery of goods. The program is broken up into six units consisting of:

  • Workplace Essentials
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Transportation Management
  • Warehouse Management
  • Computer Systems
  • Safety Awareness


The information session is free of charge to attend, and walk-ins are welcome although pre-registration is preferred. The GLA certification program is set to run Tuesday through Thursday, September and October 2013, and includes a three week course duration and a fourth week review and certification test.

The Union County Choices program, which is one of Freeholder Linda Carter’s initiatives as Chairman of the Board, is geared towards providing a range of skills and sector training to eligible job seekers in Union County’s priority economic development sectors. The program recently began its first round of training courses in the Healthcare sector in July, and is expected to also provide training in Retail Operations later on this Fall.

To register, or for more information on the Union County Choices program, please contact Gina Tuesta at; for registration purposes, please include your name, contact information and email address. In addition to attending the information session, to be considered for the Union County Choices program candidates must have a high school diploma or GED, take the TABE test and score at 8th grade level or above, be WIA eligible and complete a criminal background check prior to the start of the training program.
