Union County, NJ — Union County’s senior citizens, and residents of any age with a disability, can receive one-on-one help from the Union County Department of Human Services when applying for county, state and federal assistance programs. This service will be available at community outreach events in Elizabeth on February 11, and in Plainfield on February 26.
“We want to make sure that seniors and persons with disabilities who need help with food, shelter, and other necessities can connect with all of the programs available to them,” said Freeholder Chairman Christopher Hudak. “If you or anyone you know could use some extra help in determining your eligibility, I encourage you to attend one of these two events.”
Bi-lingual (English/Spanish) outreach staff from the Union County Department of Human Services, Division on Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC), will be in Elizabeth at the O’Donnell Dempsey Senior Center, 622 Salem Avenue, on Tuesday, February 11 beginning at 10:30 a.m.
On Wednesday, February 26, a second outreach event will be held at the Plainfield Senior Center, 400 East Front Street, beginning at 11:00 a.m.
No appointments are needed to attend the events.
Programs that can help eligible seniors and the disabled include gas and electric support, prescription drug/pharmaceutical assistance, and home energy assistance.
Referrals for the Senior Health Insurance Program will also be provided.
“This outreach is part of the ADRC model, a state initiative that Union County has embraced since 2012,” Hudak explained. “The goal is to help seniors and persons with disabilities to remain comfortably in their homes and keep engaged with their communities.”
Union County ADRC provides care management services for the state’s Medicaid Waiver Programs, Global Options, and the Jersey Assistance for Community Caregiving Program. The Statewide Respite Care Program provides assistance to caregivers, giving them a needed break from their care giving responsibilities.
The Division’s other services include general information and assistance, home-delivered and group meals, and nutrition education for seniors.
Union County ADRC is one of 670 Area Agencies on Aging, a nationwide initiative established under the federal Older Americans Act.
For more information about the outreach events and Union County ADRC, call the Union County Division on Aging, 888-280-8226 (toll free), or visit online at ucnj.org.
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