Public Info

Investigate Winter Wonders at Trailside



Trailside naturalist Cathleen Bolton leads a group of children on a winter walk to search for squirrel nests, woodpecker holes, buck rubs and other winter wonders in the Watchung Reservation. Registration for the winter series of programs at Trailside Nature and Science Center in Mountainside is now under way with workshops including Toddler Time (for adults with children up to three years of age); Two of Us (for adults with children ages 3-4); Small Fry Days (drop-off programs for 4-6 year-olds); Afterschool Explorations (for children in the 1st and 2nd grade); and Trailside Explorers (for children in the 3rd thru 5th grade). These popular programs offer hands-on investigations of the natural world through crafts, hikes and interactive educational activities. Pre-registration is required for all workshops. Please call Trailside at 908-789-3670 for a complete brochure of winter offerings or visit us online at Trailside Nature and Science Center is located at 452 New Providence Road, at Coles Ave., in Mountainside and is a service of the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders.