Union County, NJ – The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders reminds residents that one-on-one help is available for Union County residents who want to obtain affordable health insurance through the online federal Affordable Care Act “Marketplace” at healthcare.gov.
“If you have visited healthcare.gov and you still have questions, you can speak with our local Navigator in person for assistance,” said Freeholder Chairman Christopher Hudak. “I encourage you to take advantage of this valuable service, which helps Union County residents gain the peace of mind and security that come with affordable health insurance.”
The Affordable Care Act includes a free information service to help consumers find an affordable insurance plan through the healthcare.gov marketplace, and to help them receive any subsidies for which they qualify.
The service is run locally by non-profit agencies that are officially designated as Navigators by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The Urban League of Union County is an official Navigator, under a multi-county partnership spearheaded by the Urban League of Hudson County.
Union County residents can call the Urban League of Union County at 908- 351-7200 or emailuluc.aca.coverage@gmail.com with questions about obtaining affordable health insurance.
In addition, a grant from the Overlook Foundation through the HealthCare Foundation of New Jersey has gone to an initiative of the nonprofit health care organization Atlantic Health System, which provides a trained Certified Application Counselor to provide bilingual assistance in Spanish.
This initiative is focused on Union Township as well as Morristown in Morris County. Residents of those two municipalities who need assistance in Spanish can contact the certified counselor, Ms. Solangel Patarroyo, at 973-971-7259.
For more information about the Affordable Care Act visit healthcare.gov (cuidadodesalud.gov in Spanish), or call 1-800-318-2596 toll free.
Please join the County of Union online at www.ucnj.org, on Facebook at www.ucnj.org/facebook, and on Twitter at http://twitter.com/countyofunionnj.