Contestants, ranging from grades 4 through 8, had to prepare an original work in an effort to promote Arbor Day and creatively show the importance of trees in Union County. (Photos by Jim Lowney/County of Union)
Union County Freeholder Vice Chairman Bruce H. Bergen congratulates the 5th grade winners of the 2015 Union County Arbor Day Poetry Contest. Maggie Sher (C) from the Kent Place School in Summit won first place. Georgia Rabin from the Kent Place School in Summit placed third.
Union County Freeholder Vice Chairman Bruce H. Bergen congratulates the 6th grade winners of the 2015 Union County Arbor Day Poetry Contest. (From left) Jodi De Jesus from the Oak Knoll School in Summit won first place. Alessandra Serio from the Park Middle School in Scotch Plains came in second place. Trevor Pease from the Park Middle School in Scotch Plains placed third.
Union County Freeholder Vice Chairman Bruce H. Bergen congratulates the 7th grade winners of the 2015 Union County Arbor Day Poetry Contest. Dovid Rozehzadeh from The Jewish Education Center in Elizabeth won first place. Rivka Shapiro from the Bruriah Junior High School in Elizabeth came in second place.
Union County Freeholder Vice Chairman Bruce H. Bergen congratulates the 8th grade winners of the 2015 Union County Arbor Day Poetry Contest. Adina Pinsker (C) from the Bruriah Junior High School in Elizabeth won first place. Hannah Makasare from the Saint James the Apostle School in Springfield came in second place.