The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders is proud to announce six additional dates and locations for the new Aging Services Kiosk (ASK) program to visit communities throughout Union County this month.
“The primary goal of the new mobile Aging Services Kiosk program is to help provide our senior residents and their caregivers with convenient access to information about county support programs and services that are available to them,” said Freeholder Bette Jane Kowalski, liaison to the Human Services Advisory Council.
Offered through the Division on Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC), under the Department of Human Services, the new Aging Services Kiosk (ASK) outreach program will travel throughout Union County to provide senior adults age 60 and above and their caregivers information about services such as home delivered meals, respite care, home care, and adult day care, as well as support services for caregivers. Assistance with completing applications and forms will also be available.
Open to all Union County residents, the Union County Division on Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) is scheduled to bring the new ASK outreach program to the following six municipalities in June:
[ezcol_1third]Wednesday, June 8
Linden Public Library
31 E. Henry Street
Linden, 07036
10:00 am to 12 pm
Monday, June 13
Clark Public Library
303 Westfield Avenue
Clark, 07066
10:00 am to 12 pm
Friday, June 17
Mountainside Municipal Building
1385 Route 22 East
Mountainside, 07092
11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Wednesday, June 22
Fanwood Public Library
5 Forest Road
Fanwood, 07023
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Thursday, June 23
Berkeley Heights Public Library
290 Plainfield Avenue
Berkeley Heights, 07922
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Thursday, June 30
Westfield Community Center
558 W. Broad Street
Westfield, 07090
10:30 am to 12:30 pm
The Union County Division on Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) aims to promote wellness, independence, dignity and choice for seniors and their families. It is one of 670 Area Agencies on Aging nationwide established under the federal Older Americans Act. The division offers informational resources printed in both English and Spanish.
Additional dates and locations will be added for the mobile ASK program in coming months, and will be posted in local newspapers, the Senior News, Facebook, Twitter and the Union County website,
For more information about the Union County Division on Aging and Disability Resource Connection, call the division’s toll-free number: 1-888-280-8226, or 908-527-4870 or 4858 or visit the Union County government website at