Union County, NJ – The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders is pleased to announce that Second Chance, a program of the Plainfield Area YMCA is now accepting applications from out-of-school youths and young adults ages 16-24.
Second Chance is a free program designed to help young people gain life skills and training that leads to gainful employment and career advancement.
“Second Chance will help bring together educational and workforce development resources, to help ensure that every young person in Union County is in a good position to find work and improve their situation,” said Freeholder Chairman Bruce H. Bergen.
The Second Chance program provides assistance with GED preparation and testing, as well as employment training and services.
“Second Chance offers an intensive, multi-faceted approach that helps young people assemble a stronger foundation for success in life,” said Freeholder Bette Jane Kowalski, who is the Freeholder liaison to the Union County Human Services Advisory Council.
Key topics covered by the program include leadership development, financial literacy, secondary school alternatives, entrepreneurial skills training, and healthy living.
Participants will have access to the YMCA computer room, fitness center and other resources.
Second Chance is fully funded under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), a national program that coordinates educational and career training resources. The Freeholder Board is responsible for administering federal WIOA funds in Union County.
The Freeholder Board designated the Plainfield Area YMCA to receive the funds for Second Chance based on the recommendation of the Union County Workforce Development Board.
Second Chance will be offered at the Plainfield Area YMCA, 518 Watchung Avenue in Plainfield, in a series of classes that meets Mondays through Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The program begins in January and will conclude in March.
Partnering with the Plainfield Area YMCA in the Second Chance program are Union County College, and the non-profit organizations Homefirst, United Family and Children Services, and Venture Venture.
For more information about Second Chance contact Program Director India Hughes at the Plainfield YMCA, 908-756-6060 ext. 104 or ihughes@plainfieldymca.org.
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