Union County Freeholders Linda Carter and Alexander Mirabella present a resolution and a check to students and educators from Union County Vocational-Technical Schools (UCVTS) in Scotch Plains in honor of the school winning the 2017 Union County Student Training and Enrichment Program (UC STEP) challenge.
UCVTS collected the most food donations during the “Kans 4 Kids” food drive under the annual UC STEP youth leadership program and won the $1,000 Start Now grant.
Roselle Park High School, Linden High School, Governor Livingston High School in Berkeley Heights and Union County Teams Charter School in Plainfield received honorable mention grants of $250 each.
More than 100 students from 14 high schools participated in the friendly competition collecting 5,120 pounds of food for donation to the Community Food Bank in Hillside.
UC STEP was created to provide high school students the opportunity to develop a countywide community service around a topic they feel is important, while teaching them leadership and personal growth skills and responsibility within their communities.
(Photos by Jim Lowney/County of Union)