Union County, NJ – The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders is pleased to announce that openings are still available in the upcoming training series for Volunteer Advocates for victims of sexual violence. The sessions are scheduled twice weekly beginning on Tuesday, May 1 until Thursday, June 14.
The training is free. No previous experience in counseling is required. Volunteer Advocates work with the professional staff at Union County’s Rape Crisis Center to help victims cope with the legal, medical and emotional aftermath of sexual violence.
“The Freeholder Board is extremely proud of our volunteer advocates, who help restore a sense of community and self-worth to Union County residents who are facing a life crisis,” said Union County Freeholder Chairman Sergio Granados. “If you are looking for a worthwhile volunteer activity that makes a real difference on a person-to-person level, I encourage you to contact the Union County Rape Crisis Center and ask about the upcoming training program.”
Training sessions will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Union County complex in Westfield, at 300 North Avenue East.
Volunteers must be Union County residents at least 18 years of age. They must hold a valid driver’s license and have their own vehicle. Prior to training, each volunteer must come to the Rape Crisis Center for an informal interview. Volunteers must also attend all training sessions.
For more information about volunteering and to schedule an interview, call the Union County Rape Crisis Center at 908-233-7273.
Visit unioncountyrapecrisiscenter.blogspot.com to learn more about the Rape Crisis Center.
The Rape Crisis Center has been serving Union County residents since 1984, as part of the Union County Department of Human Services.
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