Public Info

Free Lecture on World War II Admiral, Elizabeth Native William “Bull” Halsey, event presented on October 30th

The Union County Freeholder Board is pleased to present a special lecture on the life of Admiral William F. Halsey—an Elizabeth native—and one of America’s greatest war leaders.

This event will be held at the Admiral William F. Halsey Junior Health and Public Safety Academy, located at 641 South Street in Elizabeth, on October 30th starting at 6:00 p.m.  The presentation, which occurs on Halsey’s birthday—137 years ago, is free of charge and open to the public.

“Admiral Halsey is one of Union County’s most distinguished, historic figures,” said Freeholder Chair Bette Jane Kowalski. “The Freeholder Board is pleased to support this special event for our residents as part of our commitment in providing educational programming of cultural and historic value.”

Admiral Halsey (who was given the nickname “Bull”) was born and raised in Elizabeth, and is considered by most as the most famous naval officer of World War II. He met many operational challenges of the battle at sea against Japan with effective carrier strikes early in the war. His greatest contribution to the Allied victory was as the victorious commander of the combined sea, air, and land forces in the South Pacific during the long slog up the Solomon Islands chain. Halsey was a key leader of America’s Pacific war effort at a time when its outcome was far from certain. 

The lecture will be conducted by Thomas Alexander Hughes, a biographer of Admiral Halsey.  Dr. Hughes is an Academic Dean and Associate professor at the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies in Alabama.  Dr. Hughes’ book, Admiral Bill Halsey: A Naval Life traces the life of Admiral William Halsey from his early beginnings in Elizabeth through his remarkable record of service in the United States Navy.

This lecture is sponsored by the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders through the Office of Cultural and Heritage Affairs in the Department of Parks and Recreation, and is funded in part by a grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a Division of Cultural Affairs in the Department of State. For quick links to all Union County environmental programs and activities visit The Green Connection,

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