Public Info

Union County Clerk Offers Free Services for Veterans

Union County, NJ – Union County, NJ – Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi reminds eligible military veterans who are Union County residents that they can obtain free proof of service ID cards at the County Clerk’s main office in the County Courthouse at 2 Broad Street in midtown Elizabeth, or at the annex office, located in the Colleen Fraser Building at the Union County Complex, 300 North Avenue East in Westfield.

“Throughout the year we appreciate the service our veterans have given, and as Veterans Day approaches it is all the more important to recognize their contributions to the Union County community and to our country,” said Ms. Rajoppi. “Streamlining access to ID cards and discharge certificates assists military veterans in obtaining benefits and resources without incurring additional costs or delays.”

Union County veterans who have not yet filed their DD-214 discharge papers can do so by bringing the original honorable discharge papers to the County Clerk’s office in Elizabeth or Westfield office. There is no charge for this service.

In addition, veterans who have already filed their DD-214 papers can obtain a copy free of charge from the County Clerk.

Veterans can call the County Clerk at 908-659-7403 for more details information about these free services.

The County Clerk also provides Veteran Peddlers Licenses free of charge. For more information on Veterans Peddlers Licenses, call 908-527-4967.

An online directory of discounts for goods and services offered to veterans by Union County businesses is available at the County Clerk’s Veteran Discounts page,

Businesses interested in joining the directory can fill out an online form in the “Add Service/Business” tab in the directory.

For a list of veteran’s services offered by the County Clerk, visit Quick links for additional veteran’s services and programs in Union County are available online at

For more information about all County Clerk programs and services, including office hours and locations, visit online at or call 908-527-4787.

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