Public Info

Departmental budget hearing dates and locations

The Fiscal Committee of the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders today announced a set of 3 open public hearings in March for the review of the 2020 Executive Budget.

“The Freeholder Board continues to provide the opportunity for engagement from our residents across the county, and bringing these budget hearings to different locations is a way to make sure as many people as possible can participate,” said Freeholder Sergio Granados, who is also Chair of the Fiscal Committee. “The County has worked diligently to stay below the 2% increase for the third year in a row, maintaining a stable tax rate.”

All three hearings will begin at 6 p.m. and are as follows:


Wednesday, March 4th, 2020

Cranford Municipal Building
8 Springfield Avenue, Cranford

Thursday, March 12th, 2020

Union County Vocational Technical School’s Board room
1776 Raritan Road, Scotch Plains

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

This meeting was canceled due to the COVID-19 Outbreak

While there are no public comments at these meetings, the public is welcome to attend and listen to the discussion. The Freeholder Board’s Fiscal Committee will conduct their review before the Freeholder Board as a whole votes to introduce the budget later this year.