Union County, NJ – Union County Board of Elections Administrator Nicole DiRado reminds Union County voters who wish to change their party affiliation that the deadline to do so is Wednesday, May 13, in order to participate in the July 7 primary.
The Primary Election is being held later than usual this year as a precautionary response to the COVID-19 public health crisis, pursuant to Executive Order 120 issued by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy.
The change in party affiliation does not require an in-person office visit.
“Union County voters who wish to change their parties can do so by mail, helping to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus during this public health emergency,” said Ms. DiRado.
Since the Union County Election Board is working remotely, voters who are unsure of their current party affiliation can call the Election Board at 908-527-4123 to leave a message. The call will be returned promptly.
“Voters who conduct business with the Motor Vehicle Commission sometimes inadvertently change their affiliation. If you have any doubt about your current status, please call my office,” said Ms. DiRado.
To request a Party Declaration Form by mail, call the Union County Board of elections at 908-527-4123 or send an email to ucboe@ucnj.org. The requirement for an original signature on the form has not been relaxed. Be sure to complete, sign and mail your form soon enough to allow delivery by the postal service.
Voters can also download Party Declaration Forms in English and Spanish from ucnj.org/ucboe, unioncountyvotes.com and the New Jersey Division of Elections, at state.nj.us/state/elections.
The May deadline does not apply to voters who are currently unaffiliated. They may declare their party at the polls on July 7. Further, unaffiliated voters who vote by mail will have an opportunity to declare their affiliation when they receive their ballots. They will receive a ballot for each party, and then return only the ballot for which they declare.
In the event that in-person voting is conducted for the July 7 Primary Election, voters can familiarize themselves with new voting machines that were introduced countywide last year by viewing a teaching video on the Board of Elections website, at ucnj.org/boe/expressvote-xl-voting-machine (please note that live demonstrations have been suspended during the COVID-19 outbreak).
For information on all Union County Board of Elections programs and services visit online at ucnj.org/ucboe, email ucboe@ucnj.org, or call 908-527-4123.
Please note that the Board of Elections office is closed to visitors during the COVID-19 outbreak. Voicemail messages and emails are being responded to promptly during regular business hours.
For more information and updates on all Union County services during the COVID-19 outbreak, including guidance for the Union County Drive-Through Test Center at Kean University, visit ucnj.org/coronavirus-update.
For general information about COVID-19 and phone contacts for 24/7 assistance with questions, visit the New Jersey Department of Health at nj.gov/health.
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For all Union County programs and services visit ucnj.org, call the Public Info Line, 877-424-1234, email info@ucnj.org or use the online Contact Form.
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