Public Info

Union County Clerk Offers Notary Training Seminar

Update April 24, 2023: The Notary Training Seminar scheduled for May 12 is full. Registrations are no longer being accepted.

Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi will host a Notary Public Training Seminar at the John H. Stamler Police Academy, at 1776 Raritan Road in Scotch Plains on Friday, May 12, from 8:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The featured speaker will be Union County First Deputy County Counsel Moshood Muftau, Esq. A limited number of seats are available.

image of police academy building
The Notary Public Training Seminar will take place at the John H. Stamler Police Academy, located on the campus of the Union County Vocational-Technical Schools District on Raritan Road in Scotch Plains.

Registration is required in advance in order to attend. A registration fee of $10.00 applies. The registration form and payment instructions are available for download at

The registration deadline is Friday, May 5.

“The notary training seminar is designed to enable all the Notaries Public in our community to perform their duties with skill and confidence, including updates for experienced notaries as well as instruction for new or prospective notaries,” said Ms. Rajoppi. “We offer this opportunity as a professional course that benefits the whole community, and all are welcome.”

Ms. Rajoppi will make opening remarks and review the application process.  Mr. Muftau will speak about the legal aspects of the functions of notaries public.

The seminar will cover the Notary Public application process and new legal requirements and responsibilities.

It will also cover the steps for proper notarization and other topics, including how to complete a notary journal and how to examine identification documents.

Please note that no confirmation notice will be sent. Attendees should arrive in time to check in.

Attendees should also note that the dress code at the John J. Stamler Police Academy is strictly enforced. Business casual is recommended. Jeans and sneakers are not permitted, and men must wear shirts with collars.

For questions about the Notary Seminar event contact Anna Lima in the Office of the Union County Clerk at 908-527-4787.

For more information about all County Clerk programs and services, visit online at or call 908-527-4787.

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