The Union County Board of Elections is seeking bilingual poll workers for General Election Day, Tuesday, November 7, 2023. In addition to receiving a stipend of $300.00 for the day, poll workers perform a valuable civic service by helping to ensure that every eligible voter can exercise their right to vote on Election Day.
“Bilingual poll workers are especially helpful in our diverse community, so we encourage everyone with a second language, specifically Spanish, to participate in this very important civic service,” said Board of Elections Administrator Nicole DiRado.
Any Union County resident who is 18 years or older, and registered to vote in Union County, can qualify to become a poll worker.
No experience is needed. Before Election Day, each new poll worker must attend an in-person training course.
Persons interested in becoming a poll worker are advised to apply now in order to reserve a spot.
For more information and to obtain an application form, visit the Poll Worker Resources page at the Board of Elections website, ucnj.org/pollworker. To request an application form by mail, call the Board of Elections at 908-527-4236 or email pollworker@ucnj.org.
For all Union County Board of Elections information visit online at ucnj.org/ucboe.