The Union County Board of Commissioners is happy to inform residents that the next free Household Hazardous Waste event of the 2024 season will be held on Sunday, June 2, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the UCNJ- Union College of Union County NJ, which is located at 1033 Springfield Avenue in Cranford. The event will take place in the parking lots 5A and 5B on campus. The event will be held in conjunction with Union County’s “Beyond the Bin” recycling event, which will also be held at the same site. There will be ample signage onsite to guide residents to the proper location of each event on location.
“Union County’s Household Hazardous Waste events provide a free, convenient opportunity for residents to remove unwanted chemicals and other potentially hazardous items from their homes and yards, and dispose of them safely,” said Commissioner Chairwoman Kimberly Palmieri-Mouded. “It is a great way to make a real difference and help keep harmful substances out of the environment. By participating, you are not just safeguarding your own household but also contributing to the well-being of our entire community and ecosystem.”
Any Union County resident may participate, regardless of their home town. The Household Hazardous Waste events provide Union County residents with a free, environmentally safe way to dispose of outdated or unwanted household chemicals, mercury thermostats and thermometers, propane tanks, and many other items such as oil-based paint (no latex paint) and varnish, antifreeze, aerosol cans, pool chemicals, corrosives, pesticides, herbicides, solvents, thinners, fire extinguishers, motor oil and oil filters, gasoline, batteries, thermostats, fluorescent bulbs (unbroken), mercury switches, and more. The Union County Police Department will also be onsite to handle the proper disposal of fireworks and ammunition that residents may have.
Union County’s Household Hazardous Waste events are contact-free. Participants must remain in their vehicles while personnel at the site unload their waste items. Only materials in original or labeled containers will be accepted. No containers larger than five gallons will be accepted.
Tires are also accepted at these events. There is a limit of eight automobile (car) without rims, bicycle, or motorcycle tires, per household.
For a list of the materials that will be accepted on June 2nd, please go to https://ucnj.org/recycling/household-special-waste. For information regarding other Union County recycling programs, please visit https://ucnj.org/recycling/.
Please note that latex paint (water-based) wall paint is NOT accepted at the household hazardous waste events. Residents wishing to dispose of latex paint are advised to use it, donate it, or dry the paint in the can and discard it in regular household garbage with the lid off. To help dry out paint, add kitty litter, newspaper or a product called waste paint hardener (which can be purchased at home improvement or paint stores) to the paint.
The Household Hazardous Waste collection event will be held rain or shine, for Union County residents only, not for businesses. Proof of Union County residency is required. For more information, please call the Recycling Hotline at 908-654-9889. For quick links to all environmental programs and activities in Union County visit The Green Connection, ucnj.org/green-connection.