Public Info

Freeholder Board Unveils New Union County Transit Map

Union County, NJ – Getting around Union County is about to become a little easier, thanks to a new map offered by the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders showing train and bus routes along with other helpful information.

The map is available free of charge in traditional hard copy format, and by download from the County website at

“When all the routes are laid out in one integrated format it is easier to plan trips and take full advantage of Union County’s wealth of mass transit options,” said Freeholder Chairman Bruce H. Bergen. “Mass transit is one of the cornerstones of a healthy community, helping to reduce congestion and pollution while enabling our economy to grow.”

The maps were developed as part of the 2016 Union County Transportation Master Plan in association with the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority.

“This map represents another step forward in the Freeholder Board’s efforts to keep our residents, businesses and visitors up to date and informed on transportation resources, and to advocate for continued improvements,” said Freeholder Angel G. Estrada, who serves on the NJTPA Board of Trustees representing Union County.

NJTPA is a regional transportation agency. It provided funding to print hard copies of the map, which was produced through the Bureau of Transportation Planning in the Union County Department of Economic Development with the assistance of NJ Transit.

The new map illustrates all four commuter rail lines and more than 25 bus routes serving Union County, along with route connections to neighboring counties.

It also includes mass transit tips, along with information on smart phone apps and other online resources that make trip planning easier.

The map features a county-wide view on one side and an expanded portion of the Elizabeth-Newark connections on the reverse side.

For ease of carry the map folds to the size of a typical smart phone.

The maps are available in hard copy starting on Wednesday, July19, when they will be distributed at the County’s free Summer Arts concert in Echo Lake Park featuring The Vinny’s.

Concertgoers can come to the Union County Public Information Van, which will be parked at the concert, to pick up a free copy.

The Public Information Van will continue visiting the County’s Summer Arts and Family Flix events throughout the summer with free copies for distribution.

To request a free copy by mail, send an email to the Union County Office of Public Information at

For one-stop access to information about all forms of transportation in Union County including bike routes and Paratransit service, visit Union County Connexions at

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