Union County, NJ – Representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) met with Union County officials today and got a first-hand look at parts of Union County that suffered severe damage from Hurricane Irene. County and FEMA representatives were joined by representatives from the State’s Office of Emergency Management and Department of Transportation.
Union County was not included in the initial list of New Jersey counties that were declared eligible for FEMA disaster relief earlier this week. The information gathering process required by FEMA is still ongoing for other counties including Union County, and Union County continues to work closely with FEMA, local and state officials, and elected representatives, to ensure that the process goes forward as quickly as possible.
“After having FEMA representatives on the ground in Union County, I am hopeful that Union County will receive a declaration from FEMA within the coming days,” stated Union County Manager Alfred Faella. “The process is moving forward.”
For the latest updates, Union County residents can visit the FEMA website, www.fema.gov. Union County residents can also register information regarding their storm damage with FEMA by calling 1-800-621-3362.
Union County residents who wish to receive automatic notification of FEMA disaster declaration announcements can register online to join Union County’s emergency notification and alert system, Union County First Alert, by visiting www.ucfirstalert.org.
More hurricane related updates are available on the Union County website, www.ucnj.org.
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For more information on any Union County press release, please contact Sebastian D’Elia, Communications Director for the County of Union, or a designee listed at the top of this press release. Please join the County of Union online at www.ucnj.org, on Facebook at www.ucnj.org/facebook, and on Twitter athttp://twitter.com/countyofunionnj.
Tina Casey
Deputy Director
Union County Office of Public Information