This summer, Union County Department of Parks & Recreation is fortunate to have two interns from Kean University and one from Fordham University who are volunteering their time while gaining experience in the environmental field. The students are working to complete a study of a deer exclosure in the Watchung Reservation. The exclosure is a fenced area meant to keep deer out so native plants can thrive.
Hopefully, the exclosure will act as a natural nursery for the areas outside the fencing. Other duties as an intern include preparing for this year’s Bio-Blitz, entering data collected during the event, and assisting with Saturday Trail Work and Adopt-a-Park projects.
The Freeholders and the Parks & Recreation Department would like to thank Marionela Gavriliuc and Bethania Rocha of Roselle Park and Noah Stiles of Westfield for helping out with the projects. Kean University Professor Dr. Daniela Shebitz and Rutgers University student Jason Hafstad were also on-hand to assist with the project.