AED Database

Below is a database of Union County facilities that have AEDs

Park LocationAddress
Ash BrookService YardTerrill Road, Scotch Plains
Briant ParkMaintenance Shed301 Shunpike Road, Summit
Cedar Brook ParkPlayground BathroomPark Drive, Plainfield
Cedar Brook ParkRandolph Road BathroomPark Drive, Plainfield
Cedar Brook ParkService YardPark Drive, Plainfield
Conant ParkBathroom320 Conant Street, Hillside
Deserted VillageBathroom9 Cataract Hollow Road, Berkeley Heights
Echo Lake ParkGazebo Bathroom1028 Springfield Ave, Mountainside
Echo Lake ParkBoathouse Bathroom1028 Springfield Ave, Mountainside
Echo Lake ParkService Yard1028 Springfield Ave, Mountainside
Esposito ParkBathroomMadison Hill Road, Clark
Galloping HillService Yard21 North 31st Street, Kenilworth
Houdaille QuarryParks TrailerMountview Road, Springfield
K9 UnitK9 Unit Training Center144 Glenside Ave, Summit
Lenape Parking LotBuilding130 Kenilworth Blvd, Cranford
Madison Ave ParkBathroom1333 Madison Ave, Rahway
Maskers BarnBuilding9 Cataract Hollow Road, Berkeley Heights
Mattano ParkBathroom360-484 5th Ave, Elizabeth
Mattano ParkShed360-484 5th Ave, Elizabeth
Meisel ParkBathroom278 Meisel Ave, Springfield
Nomahegan ParkBathroom995 Springfield Ave, Cranford
Oak Ridge ParkField Bathroom136 Oak Ridge Road, Clark
Oak Ridge ParkPark Bathroom136 Oak Ridge Road, Clark
Oak Ridge ParkService Yard136 Oak Ridge Road, Clark
Ponderosa ParkBathroom1600 Cooper Road, Scotch Plains
Rahway River ParkBathroomSt Georges Ave, Rahway
Rahway River ParkService YardSt Georges Ave, Rahway
Rahway River ParkTrack Field HouseSt Georges Ave, Rahway
Rahway River ParkShed by pondSt Georges Ave, Rahway
Rahway River ParkPoolSt Georges Ave, Rahway
Phil Rizzuto ParkBathroomNorth Ave, Elizabeth
Snyder Ave ParkBathroom240 Snyder Ave, Berkeley Heights
Snyder Ave ParkBack Field House240 Snyder Ave, Berkeley Heights
The Loop (Watchung Reservation)BathroomHistoric Trail, Mountainside
Trailside Old Museum (Watchung Reservation)BuildingHistoric Trail, Mountainside
Unami ParkBathroom422 S Union Ave, Garwood
Warinanco ParkBoathouse Bathroom2499 E St Georges Ave, Roselle
Warinanco ParkSpray Park2499 E St Georges Ave, Roselle
Warinanco ParkField House2499 E St Georges Ave, Roselle
Warinanco ParkService Yard2499 E St Georges Ave, Roselle
Wheeler ParkBathroomUS-1, Linden