Public Info Public Notices

Public Notice – Union County Reorganization

Under the terms of the “Open Public Meetings Act” P.L.., 1975, C. 231, the 2021 Installation Ceremony and Reorganization Meeting of the Union County Board of County Commissioners, formerly the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders, will be held on Sunday January 3, 2021, at 12:00 p.m., at the steps of the Union County Courthouse (Courthouse Plaza) located at the Union County Courthouse, 2 Broad Street, Elizabeth, New Jersey. 

While open to the public, the installation ceremonies will be broadcast via Facebook live on the County of Union’s official website ( and the County of Union’s official Facebook page.  Upon conclusion of the Installation Ceremony and the election of a Chairman and Vice Chair of the County Commissioners, the Board will recess and reconvene indoors to conduct the business portion of the reorganizational meeting virtually through teleconference via Zoom Webinar.

All members of the public may view the Reorganizational meeting by livestream at  Any member of the public wishing to participate in the meeting may do so by downloading ZOOM to their individual electronic device and email the Clerk of the Board at to receive the meeting-specific zoom link and password to gain access to the teleconference meeting. All requests must be submitted and received by the Clerk of the Board no later than noon on Saturday, January 2, 2021. 

Members of the public who prefer not to, or do not have the means to, participate in the teleconference meeting, may continue to participate in Reorganizational Meeting by emailing comments relative to resolutions being offered for adoption and/or on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of

concern to the residents of the county to the Clerk of the Board at All relevant comments received will be read into the record during the Reorganizational Meeting’s Public Comment Portion, prior to the Board’s consideration of resolutions for adoption, and will be addressed accordingly by the Board. All emails must be submitted and received by the Clerk of the Board no later than noon on Saturday, January 2, 2021 and, as is always the case, must include the public member’s full name and town of residence and resolution number to which comments are being referred for the record. Agendas will be posted for the public’s viewing on the County’s official website at:

James E. Pellettiere, RMC
Clerk of the Board of Chosen Freeholders