Public Info

Sample Ballots Now Available on Union County Votes App

COUNTY CLERK SAMPLE BALLOTS 2016Union County, NJ – Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi is pleased to announce that sample ballots for the June 7 Primary Day are now available on the Union County Votes! mobile app and the County Clerk’s website,

“The Union County Votes!” app provides mobile users with a convenient way to catch up on election information and familiarize themselves with the candidates,” said Ms. Rajoppi. “The app also includes quick links to the official campaign website of each candidate, to help connect voters with accurate information directly from the source.”

Union County Votes! is available as a free download for mobile phones and tablets.

Ms. Rajoppi also reminds Union County residents that any registered voter can cast their vote early for any reason, by using a Vote-By-Mail ballot.

Voters should allow 3-5 business to mail their ballot back in time to be counted on Primary Day.

The deadline for requesting a Vote-By-Mail ballot by mail was May 31. Voters can still obtain a Vote-By-Mail ballot in person after that date, by visiting the County Clerk’s Main Office in Elizabeth or the Annex in Westfield.

Voters who obtain their ballot in person can also use the County Clerk’s convenient One-Stop service to fill out their ballot and cast it in a secure collection box, all in the same visit.

“If you find yourself running short on time as June 7 approaches, the One-Stop service helps to ensure that your voice will be heard in this Presidential election cycle,” said Ms. Rajoppi. “Any eligible voter can cast a Vote-By-Mail ballot in person at my offices, until 3:00 p.m. on Monday, June 6.”

Under a new state law, voters who opt to use the One-Stop service will need to show a New Jersey driver’s license or other New Jersey ID that provides their name, address and photo.

For complete details on all County Clerk election services, including Vote-By-Mail deadlines and extended office hours for One-Stop service, call 908-527-4996, download the free Union County Votes app or visit online at



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