Public Info

School Board Petitions Due July 31

Union County, NJ – Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi reminds people seeking School Board positions in their municipality that the deadline for filing their nominating petitions is Monday, July 31, before 4:00 p.m. in the Office of the Union County Clerk, 2 Broad Street, Room 113, Elizabeth, NJ 07207.

“Service on a school board is an enriching experience,” said Ms. Rajoppi. “As a former board member, I encourage involvement in this important civic duty. Interested applicants should make note of the deadline.”

A petition can be obtained by calling 908-527-4996 or in person at the County Clerk’s Office, 2 Broad Street, Room 113, Elizabeth, NJ 07207. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.  Inquiries may also be submitted by email to

For complete details about school board petitions, including a downloadable Candidate Kit from the New Jersey School Boards Association, visit the County Clerk online at




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