Enjoy a winter wonderland hike in the snow, from the comfort of home.
Union County, NJ – January 27, 2022 — As the winter cold snap continues, nature lovers can enjoy the outdoors from indoors, thanks to a team of expert naturalists from Union County’s Trailside Nature and Science Center. The team took a tracking hike through Conant Park in Hillside on a snowy day and filmed the adventure, featuring hawks, foxes, woodpeckers and many other signs of local wildlife.
A link to the YouTube video of the hike is available at the Trailside website, ucnj.org/trailside.
“It is always surprising to learn how close we are to nature in Union County. The Conant Park winter walk demonstrates how our parks serve a crucial role in habitat conservation and biodiversity, while providing open space for thousands of residents and visitors to enjoy all year,” said Union County Commissioner Board Chair Rebecca Williams.
An oasis of nature bordered by bustling neighborhoods, Conant Park features a diverse habitat including open fields, forests and waterways, along with public recreation facilities.
The nine-minute Winter Walk in Conant Park video takes the viewer on a virtual tracking hike to learn about animal signs in winter, how plants and animals cope with the cold weather, the benefits of snow cover, and more Viewers can also learn which trees keep their needles year-round and which hold onto their leaves long into the winter season.
Union County residents and visitors can find information about all Trailside programs and activities, both virtual and in-person, at ucnj.org/trailside. Trailside is free and open to the public Tuesdays through Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except for holidays. Please note that COVID-19 safety rules apply.
Winter Walk in Conant Park is part of an award-winning video series created by the Union County Department of Parks and Recreation, including historical sites as well as nature themes. The history videos are available online from the Office of Cultural and Heritage Affairs, a division of the Parks Department, at ucnj.org/cultural.
Wintertime visitors to Union County parks are reminded that sledding and ice skating are permitted only in designated areas according to safety guidelines. Cross-country skiing is permitted on the many paths and trails in County parks. Downhill skiing is not allowed in any County park.
Conant Park is one of 36 parks in Union County’s park system. For more information on all Union County parks visit ucnj.org/parks.
For quick links to all Union County environmental programs and activities, visit The Green Connection, ucnj.org/green-connect.
For information and updates on all Union County services during the COVID-19 outbreak, including free vaccination, free testing, emergency food distribution and other support services, visit ucnj.org/covid19. General information about COVID-19 is available through the New Jersey Department of Health at nj.gov/health.
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