Residents will be invited to participate in public meetings on reducing the risk of coastal storm surge flooding.

The Union County Board of County Commissioners encourages members of the public to review a new coastal flooding study covering parts of Union County and the metropolitan New York/New Jersey area, prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The new “NY & NJ Harbor & Tributaries Focus Area Feasibility Study” is available online at
As part of the flood control planning process, the USACE will hold a series of public meetings later this year.
“We strongly encourage residents, business owners and other stakeholders in Union County to review the study, prepare questions and suggestions, and participate in the public meetings once they are scheduled,” said Union County Commissioner Chair Rebecca L. Williams. “This project will be the largest of its kind ever undertaken by the USACE. We anticipate that it will make a significant difference in our community, and to millions of people in the metro area.”
“The new coastal study complements our ongoing work with the USACE on flood mitigation for inland parts of Union County. These are complex projects and we thank USACE, and state and federal partners, for ensuring that we continue to make progress on these vital infrastructure improvements,” said Commissioner Bette Jane Kowalski, who met with staff from USACE and other experts to review the new report earlier this month.
The NY & NJ Harbor Study describes a “Tentatively Selected Plan” to reduce the risk of coastal storm surge by building storm surge barriers at the entrance to Arthur Kill in New Jersey and various waterways in New York, along with natural features and other measures to mitigate flooding from storm surges. Inland communities, such as those along the Passaic River, are among those expected to benefit from these projects.
The Tentatively Selected Plan also provides for minimizing impacts on environmental or cultural resources, while still meeting the goal of reducing flood risk.
The NY & NJ study is part of the USACE’s North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study. Building on lessons learned from Hurricane Sandy, the Comprehensive Study is designed to assess and understand flood risks associated with climate change, and to help at-risk communities better prepare for future flood risks, based on latest scientific information available.
Links for the Comprehensive Study are available at the NY & NJ Harbor Study web page,
For information and updates on all Union County services during the COVID-19 outbreak, including free vaccination, free testing and other support services, visit General information about COVID-19 is available through the New Jersey Department of Health at
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