Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi advises voters who intend to use a Vote-by-Mail ballot for the General Election to cast their ballot promptly, in order to avoid accidentally misplacing or losing it. Election Day 2022 is Tuesday, November 8.

“For voters who have requested one, a Vote-by-Mail ballot will arrive in a bright yellow envelope, so it stands out from other mail. Many times they get lost in a drawer or hidden under a stack of papers,” said Ms. Rajoppi. “Voters can avoid the anxiety of a misplaced ballot by filling it out and returning it promptly.”
Voters who intend to return their ballot by U.S. Postal Service are reminded that ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day in order to be counted.
To avoid any unforeseen delays or disruptions in mail delivery, voters who plan to mail their ballot should do so well in advance of Election Day. All Vote-by-Mail ballots are provided with a pre-stamped return envelope.
Vote-by-Mail users can also drop their ballot off on or before Election Day in any secure drop box listed on the County Clerk’s elections website, unioncountyvotes.com. The drop boxes are available on a 24/7 basis, and are monitored by security cameras. The ballots are collected by election workers on a daily basis.
For more information about Vote-by-Mail ballots and all other elections services of the Union County Clerk, visit unioncountyvotes.com or contact the Elections Division at 908-527-4996 or ucvote@ucnj.org.
For more information about all County Clerk programs and services, visit online at ucnj.org/county-clerk or call 908-527-4787.
For information and updates on all Union County services during the COVID-19 outbreak, including free vaccination, free testing and other support services, visit ucnj.org/covid19. General information about COVID-19 is available through the New Jersey Department of Health at nj.gov/health.
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