Medication Disposal

Bring your unused, unwanted and expired medications to an authorized drop-off site for safe, secure disposal.

Drop-off sites enable you to keep controlled substances and other potentially hazardous medications out of the waste stream, and out of the wrong hands.

Visit or to find a drop-off site near you.

Participate in National Take Back Day on April 30, 2022, hosted by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration

Dispose of medications safely at home — read the label for instructions.

If you are not able to use a drop-off site, follow the FDA guidelines for safe disposal at home, and check the label for any special instructions.

Flushing not recommended for most medicines.

For most medications, take them out of the original packaging, and mix them with dirt, coffee grounds or any other non-toxic contaminant. Place the mixture in a plastic bag or empty container and dispose with household trash. Remember to remove any personal information from the original packaging before disposing.

Inhaler supplies and other aerosols require special handling. If needed, contact your local recycling coordinator for instructions.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration provides detailed information on medicine disposal, including the disposal of fentanyl patches. Find out more.

FDA also provides detailed information for safely disposing of syringes and other “sharps” at home. Find out more.