
Public Hearing Notice – Watchung Reservation

Public Hearing Notice

TAKE NOTICE that the County of Union has advised the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Green Acres Program, that it intends to allow an adjacent private developer to install  landscaping on a section of the County’s (Green Acres protected) Watchung Reservation, in order for this developer to meet wetland mitigation’s requirements on its own property. 

The section of the Watchung Reservation where this landscaping will be installed is located along Union Ave. (Scotch Plains), and specifically, along the south bank of the Green Brook.  The landscaping will consist of planting trees and shrubbery at this location. 

This renovation will involve a change in its current undeveloped status, and consequently, a public hearing to obtain public comment on this matter, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:36-25.6, will be held at:

The Scotch Plains Municipal Building,
located at 430 Park Ave.
Scotch Plains, New Jersey
on Thursday, January 10, 2019 at 6 PM.