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American Water customers in Clark, Linden and Roselle are advised that American Water is providing bottled water at the following locations in Union County.
Please note that these supplies are available only to Linden, Roselle, and Clark customers. Proof of identity is required:
- Linden customers – Warinanco Park Sports Center, 1 Park Park Drive in Roselle
- Roselle customers – Warinanco Park Sports Center, 1 Park Park Drive in Roselle
- Clark customers – Oak Ridge Park, 136 Oak Ridge Road in Clark
Water will be available at both locations from:
- 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 3
- 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 4th.
As a result of loss of water pressure from a transmission main leak along Possumtown Road in Piscataway, N.J., New Jersey American Water has issued a mandatory boil water advisory to customers in the following towns:
- Clark
- Dunellen
- Edison
- Green Brook
- Linden
- Middlesex
- Piscataway
- Roselle
- South Plainfield
A potential or actual threat to the quality of water being provided to the above areas currently exists. As a precaution, we are implementing a limited Boil Water Advisory until testing of the water supply is deemed satisfactory. New Jersey American Water will provide information as to when the advisory is lifted.
Effective immediately and until further notice, customers within the impacted area, listed above, are instructed to bring tap water to a rolling boil for one minute and allow cooling before using or use bottled water. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking; preparing foods; mixing baby formula, food, juices or drinks; washing vegetables and fruit; cooking; making ice; brushing teeth; and washing dishes until further notice. Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water.
New Jersey American Water also recommends the following steps:
- Throw away uncooked food or beverages or ice cubes if made with tap water during the day of the advisory.
- Keep boiled water in the refrigerator for drinking.
- Do not swallow water while showering or bathing.
- Do not use home filtering devices in place of boiling or using bottled water, most home water filters will not provide adequate protection from microorganisms.
- Use only water that has been boiled (and cooled) to treat minor injuries.
- Rinse hand-washed dishes with a diluted bleach solution (one tablespoon of household bleach per gallon of tap water) or clean your dishes in a dishwasher using the hot wash cycle and dry cycle.
- Upon boiling water for potable use, it is suggested that 2-3 gallons of boiled (and cooled) water be stored in the refrigerator in one gallon-containers for use in cooking, drinking, etc. Water can be stored in this manner for 2-3 days.
- Pets should be provided with drinking water that has been boiled (and cooled) in the manner indicated above.
Impacted customers are being notified of this boil water advisory via the company’s emergency notification system.
Additionally, they are also asked to limit their water use to essential purposes only while New Jersey American Water works to repair the transmission main and restore the flow of water to its system.
New Jersey American Water is working to resolve the issue as quickly and safely as possible. Please continue to boil your water or use bottled water until the company issues follow up communication when the advisory is lifted. If customers have any questions, please contact: 1-800-272-1325.