Public Info

Start holiday shopping at Runnells Specialized Hospital

Early bird shoppers take note…RUNNELLS Specialized Hospital of Union County will be having a super pre-holiday sale sponsored by The Volunteers Guild of RUNNELLS Specialized Hospital on Thursday, December 2nd featuring toys, novelty items and gifts and designer-like handbags. The sale will run from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the facility’s multi-purpose room at 40 Watchung Way in Berkeley Heights.

“You can avoid the holiday mall crowds and enjoy a great selection while you support the residents and patients at RUNNELLS Specialized Hospital,” noted Union County Freeholder Mohamed S. Jalloh, liaison to RUNNELLS Specialized Hospital.

The public is invited to attend RUNNELLS Specialized Hospital product sales. A percentage of all purchases made at these sales is credited to the Volunteers Guild.

Funds raised are used to enrich the lives of residents and patients by obtaining items that may include prizes for bingo games and paying for entertainment. The Guild, which makes vendor sales possible, also sponsors a holiday party/gift distribution in cooperation with the Berkeley Heights Lions Club.

As you start your holiday shopping think about giving the gift of yourself to help others as well. The Volunteers Guild and the Office of Volunteer Services of RUNNELLS Specialized Hospital are always interested in recruiting volunteers. Flexible hours and a variety of opportunities exist with resident contact as well as performing other tasks. Anyone who would like further information should call the Office of Volunteer Services at 908-771-5847.