Union County, NJ — The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders is proud to announce that Magnet High School and The Academy for Information Technology (AIT) have gained national recognition for academic excellence in a new “Best High Schools for Math and Science” survey from US News & World Report. Both schools are part of the Union County Vo-Tech school district.
The schools were two out of only five county vo-tech schools in New Jersey that made the Best High Schools for Math and Science list.
“Given that Magnet and AIT are relatively new schools, this achievement is all the more exceptional, and it demonstrates the deep level of commitment by students, faculty and staff from all of our Vo-Tech schools,” said Deborah Scanlon, Chairman of the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders. “This is a very proud day Union County.”
“Throughout our campus, we strive to create an atmosphere of community endeavor that supports and encourages each student to do their best,” said Dr. Thomas Bistocchi, Superintendent of Union County Vo-Tech Schools. “This is an outstanding recognition for Magnet and AIT, and it reflects well on the entire Vo-Tech student body.”
The survey analyzed only the top 208 schools in the country, which had been culled from a previously compiled list of 598 outstanding schools.
Rankings for the 208 finalists were based on student participation and achievement in Advanced Placement courses that prepare students for advanced degrees and careers in the demanding “STEM” fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
“The Vo-Tech mission is to help Union County residents prepare for productive careers, and these technology-related skills are highly valued now more than ever,” said Chairman Scanlon. “The county vo-tech schools system here in New Jersey is truly a community endeavor, in which we all contribute to help the next generation build a stronger economy.”
Earlier this year, Magnet and AIT along with a third new relatively new school on the Vo-Tech campus, the Academy for Allied Health Sciences, were all included in Newsweek’s list of top 500 public high schools in the nation.
Another new school on the Vo-Tech Campus, the Academy for Performing Arts, prepares students for performance and technical careers in the metro region’s important entertainment industry. It opened after the cutoff date for inclusion in the Newsweek list.
Vo-Tech’s fifth school, Vo-Tech High School, helps students to advance their skills in traditional careers as well as emerging high-demand fields such as electric vehicles.
Two Union County Vo-Tech high schools, Magnet High School and the Academy for Information Technology, were named among the best in the nation for math and science in a recent US News & World Report survey. (photo: Union County Vo-Tech Schools)
More information about Union County Vo-Tech Schools is available atwww.ucvts.tec.nj.us/ucvts.
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