ELIZABETH, NJ—In the effort to continue outreach with residents, Union County Freeholder Chairman Christopher Hudak recently announced the launch of the County of Union’s Instagram page during his County Government reorganization speech. The page is at instagram.com/unioncountynj
“With the opening of this new social media platform, the County continues to add new ways to communicate our services to the public,” said Hudak. “Social media has re-engineered the landscape in creating, sharing and exchanging information, and Union County is at the forefront of this technology.”
Instagram is a free social media platform, acquired by Facebook in 2012, that will enable the County to share photographs—and written information—with the public.
Also as part of his initiatives, Hudak also announced the County’s webpage (www.ucnj.org) would be redesigned to make it easier to navigate, and a subscription service would be added for periodic updates on County information.
The County currently maintains Facebook (ucnj.org/facebook), Twitter (https://twitter.com/countyofunionnj), Youtube account (https://ucnj.org/videochannel/), and a webpage at www.ucnj.org The County of Union also uses the UC First Alert Network to immediately contact residents during a crisis or emergency.