Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi is pleased to announce two updates for “Union County Votes,” a mobile app that provides voters and election watchers with on-the-go information.
“We are always looking for ways to expand and improve Union County Votes, and this election cycle is especially important because it is a Presidential year,” said Ms. Rajoppi. “The new updates will help voters find their correct polling places and get accurate information about the candidates, from the convenience of their mobile devices.”
One update is a new button labeled “Presidential Candidates.” It provides direct links to the official campaign website of each candidate.
“Even though some candidates have suspended their campaigns before the end of Primary season, they will still appear on the Primary Ballot as they have been certified by the New Jersey Department of State. So, we have included the links to their websites as well,” explained Ms. Rajoppi.
The existing “Where do I vote?” button has also been updated to reflect any new changes in polling places.
Ms. Rajoppi created Union County Votes in 2014, to help connect the public with critical information about voting and elections.
Eligible Union County residents have until May 17 to register to vote in the June 7 Primary Election. Persons who are currently age 17 can also register in advance, if they turn 18 on or before Election Day.
The “Are you 17?” button on the Union County Votes app provides more information.
Registered voters also have time to request a Vote-By-Mail ballot before the June 7 Primary, and the app has a button for that.
“In New Jersey, any registered voter can use a Vote-By-Mail ballot for any reason,” said Ms. Rajoppi. “It’s convenient and secure, and it will ensure that your voice is heard if you can’t make it to the polls on Election Day.”
For all election information, including complete details and deadlines for registration and Vote-By-Mail, visit the County Clerk online at ucnj.org/county-clerk or call the Election Division at 908-527-4996.
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