Public Info

Union County Honors “Team Weissberg” for Their Dup15q Syndrome Awareness Campaign

Union County Freeholder Chairman Bruce H. Bergen and Vice Chairman Sergio Granados present a resolution to Marc and Lauren Weissberg and their sons Reid and Holden of Springfield commending “Team Weissberg” on their efforts to raise awareness about Dup15q Syndrome and the efforts of the Dup15q Alliance.

Dup15q Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that causes an individual to have extra genetic material from chromosome 15, causing a variety of symptoms, from autism to low muscle tone to cognitive impairment and seizure disorders.

The Freeholder Board also extends its best wishes for the success of the September 16, 2017 Hope for Holden Benefit for the Dup15q Alliance. For information about the benefit, please visit

(Photo by Jim Lowney/County of Union)