Family Fun & Flix, a free summer entertainment and film series presented by the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders and Union County Department of Parks and Recreation, moves to Hillside this Wednesday with the presentation of The Lego Batman Movie. The event will take place at Rutgers Ave. Park.
As part of the evening’s events, children in attendance will be able to climb aboard horses from the Watchung Stables for a free ride before the movie begins. Rides will take place beginning at 6:00 p.m.
“We are happy to have Hillside join in the summer of movie entertainment in our parks and have the opportunity close out the summer season with family and friends outside under the stars,” said Union County Freeholder Chairman Sergio Granados.
The Lego Batman Movie features the caped crusader as he deals with the Joker, Catwoman and others who try to take over Gotham City.
The movie will begin at dusk with everyone encouraged to bring a blanket or beach chair to claim your spot on the lawn. Bleacher seating will also be available. Free popcorn will be given out and Danny’s Soft Serve Ice Cream will be available for purchase.
Movies will be shown, weather permitting. For more information, call the Union County Department of Parks and Recreation at 908-527-4900 or visit the Union County website; In case of weather related matters, you can call 908-558-4079 after 3:30 p.m. on the day of the show.