Public Info

Union County Honors Pamela Capaci upon Her Retirement from Prevention Links

Union County Freeholder Chairman Sergio Granados and Freeholder Alexander Mirabella present a resolution to Pamela Capaci recognizing and commending her for her work as Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer for Prevention Links and congratulating her upon her well-deserved retirement from the organization. Prevention Links is a private, not-for-profit organization, which takes a leadership role in the prevention of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and related issues.

Capaci held the position of Executive Director for Prevention Links since November 2007 where she successfully facilitated the agency’s growth as a multifaceted human service nonprofit organization. She is most recognized as the founder of New Jersey’s first high school for teens in recovery from substance use disorder by launching the Raymond J. Lesniak Experience Strength and Hope Recovery High School in 2014. (Photo by Jim Lowney/County of Union)